Learn more about our mission
The overall mission of the ASIFF is to promote and support in the field of production, processing, and marketing of insects as food and feed to advance science, engineering and innovation throughout the world for the benefit of all people.

Our goals
The overall mission of the ASIFF is to promote and support in the field of production, processing, and marketing of insects as food and feed to advance science, engineering and innovation throughout the world for the benefit of all people.Meet the team
Food for thought
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Fusce efficitur laoreet diam id finibus. Aenean rutrum elit enim, eget pellentesque quam pulvinar quis. Aliquam sit amet urna scelerisque, fringilla sem at, aliquet tortor. Nulla vitae dui eget eros aliquet pharetra eu scelerisque arcu. Nulla efficitur vel arcu ut aliquam. Vivamus at tellus ultrices.