Edible insect societies
The African Association of Entomologists (AAIS) was founded on December 01, 1978 and legally registered by the late eminent Professor Thomas Risley Odhiambo, in Kenya. The AAIS is a pan-African association founded to promote insect science and its applications in Africa, fostering communication and information exchange among members and affiliates. Insect science research is a key area that contributes to increasing agricultural productivity and competitiveness in Africa, and ultimately improving national income.
AAIS helps you to connect with more than 6,000+ entomologists and others in Africa and around the world, who share a passion for insect science, and who can share their expertise, knowledge and experience with you.

AFFIA (Asian Food and Feed Insect Association) is a non-profit organisation representing the interest of its members from the industry and the academia working with insects as food and feed in Asia.

IPIFF (International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed) is an EU non-profit organisation which represents the interests of the insect production sector towards EU policy makers, European stakeholders and citizens. IPIFF promotes the use of insects for human consumption and insect-derived products as a top-tier source of nutrients for animal feed.

Venik (Association of Dutch Insect breeders) is the trade association that bring insect breeders together to collaborate on the marketing for consumption of insects for feed and food. The association is committed to the marketing of insects as an alternative source of protein as a joint Dutch quality product. This product is food safe and reared in accordance with the guidelines of the General Food Law.
Venik provides information and is partner for discussion for knowledge institutions, government and media. Venik stimulates research and seeks collaboration with knowledge institutions, promotes knowledge exchange, develops new products in cooperation and builds a mutual strategy to conquer both the Dutch and International market. Venik does not represent commercial interests for individual companies.

The UK Edible Insect Association is the UK’s leading trade association for the edible insect industry, supporting insect farmers, food product developers, retailers, researchers, and curious individuals.

Strategic platform insects (Belgium)
In the research working group, all research partners involved in (funding of) research on insects and the sector federation BIIF (Belgian Insect Industry Federation) are represented. The main objective of this working group is the coordination of existing and development of new research projects. It also provides feedback to the steering committee and prioritises the biggest research needs. They also keep the overview of research projects up to date.
Through an annual stakeholders meeting, feedback is given to the broader public such as farmers, policymakers and other interested parties. The results of the platform operation, new projects or policy developments are presented here. In addition, this is also a networking event to connect all actors from research, policy and practice within the insect sector.

North America
NACIA (Insects for Food & Feed Industry Association in North America). NACIA’s role is to educate and help build awareness and acceptance for insects as a solution to up-cycle nutrients back up into the food chain.

The National Science Foundation (NSF), a United States federal agency, invested through the Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers (I/ UCRC) Program, to create the Center for Environmental Sustainability through Insect Farming (CEIF), a consortium integrating industry, government, and academia
The Center for Environmental Sustainability through Insect Farming (CEIF) converges basic research needs with industrial applications for the insect agricultural industry. Research is driven by industry members that include insect producers and consumers of insect protein across a variety of species.

Table filière des insectes comestibles. The Table Filière des Insectes Comestibles (TFIC) is a collaborative organization established in 2021 to support and develop the edible insect industry in Quebec

IPAA (Insect Protein Association of Australia) is a member-based association that supports the development of the insect industry for animal feed and human food.

Are you involved/organizing a research society/group related to edible insects?
Let us know and we will share it with ASIFF community.